TIMES-DK, the first Danish energy system model that includes the complete national energy system and covers investments over the entire modelling horizon (2050).


The development of the model was initiated from a growing need to be able to prioritise and describe socioeconomic optimal pathways to a low-emissions society across all economic sectors. Covering all sectors in a single model speeds up the analysis process, while providing a consistent method of policy evaluation across all the sectors. Another important consideration taken into account in the development of TIMES-DK is that it is based on data sets that are continuously maintained making it easier to update and refine the model.


Some of the key strengths of the model are simultaneous optimisation of operation and investments across the complete energy system over the whole modelling horizon, explicit representation of the most important sectors of the economy, modular structure and a possibility of linking to a computable general equilibrium model for an additional insight on e.g., public finance or CO2-leakage.


TIMES-DK is developed in close collaboration between an energy agency, a university and an SME, and allows for a wide range of applications including exploratory energy scenarios and policy analysis. Besides, it benefits from the continuous evolution of the TIMES model generator carried out by the ETSAP community, as well as know-hows and insights generated within the community through application of the TIMES models in the various parts of the world.