The main 3 worksheets are:
- DCSM consumer choice: MNL consumer choice model
- DCSM master: car stock model, taking automatically outputs from MNL
- DCSM input: data
In order to use the model it shall keep open at least four files: Model availability 1986-2008, DCSM Consumer Choice, DCSM master and DCSM input.
DCSM Consumer Choice
Sheets in green are input. Not green are output, calculations and elaborations of input data: do not touch!
Results tab is user interface. Results can be read and plot here. Above are the results, down are the historical observations until 2015, down are the plots and the interface to select the scenarios.
Pie charts: on the left MNL results in 2015, on the centre real results in 2015, on the right MNL results in 2050.
On the left are scenarios for NG:
- Lots of NG: same model availability as ICE in the future
- NG VRT: takes off VRT from NG vehicles from2016
- NG VAT: takes off VAT from NG vehicles from2016
Down of NG it gets away taxes from PHEV and BEV, in the same way as for NG.
AFV model availability: models available for PHEV and BEV is same number as ICE by 2050.
There are no taxes on the electricity as a fuel.
To change tax scheme for analysis for press: In sheet “Cap cost excluding tax” down it calculates VRT tax. Change the formula with the new taxation scheme.
DCSM Master
After having used the MNL (we must had all the spreadsheet open), we go to the master. It shall have automatically updated the results from MNL consumer choice.
Sheets “Energy” and “Emissions” show energy consumption and emissions.
Emissions: first shows total emissions, down it separates by fuel class, then by engine size, then also split by vintage.
Scenario: shows some figures about stock from following sheets.
Input: Rows 34-56 take in input from the consumer choice model the vehicle shares in the various years. Above there is stock from inputs and new car sales. These figures are used to determine the stock composition in the following sheets.
Stock Calc1: For each vehicle size and year y it determines the stock, as the sum of stock in that vehicle category in y-1 + new sales in y* vehicle share from DCSM + a factor to take into account that the stock is growing.