
Balmorel is a partial equilibrium model for simultaneous optimization of generation, transmission and consumption of electricity and heat under the assumption of perfectly competitive markets. The model finds the optimal way to satisfy the energy demand maximizing social welfare, consumers' utility minus producers' cost of electricity and district heat generation, storage, transmission and distribution; subject to technical, physical and regulatory constraints.

Balmorel is written in the GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) modelling language and built in a generic, extensible modular structure.


The Balmorel core model is linear, but mixed-integer modelling may be applied, e.g. in order to represent economies of scale and unit commitment.

The model is data-driven and has a high degree of flexibility with respect to temporal and spatial options. Time might be defined chronologically in three layers, while the basic time unit (e.g., two-hours, hour, half-hour, etc.) is not predefined in the structure of the model. Concerning space, it is divided into three hierarchical geographical entities. The level of detail of the temporal and spatial dimensions will be user-defined.

The supply side consists of various generation technologies, whose planned capacity, commissioning and decommissioning is defined exogenously. Balmorel core structure is shown below.

There are two types of storage implemented in Balmorel: short-term storages of electricity and heat and long-term storages of electricity, heat and hydrological reservoirs. All storages are limited by storage dynamics.

Energy balance constraints ensure that energy supply equals demand at every time segment and geographical entity. The equilibrium condition provides energy commodity prices for all geographical entities and time segments. The optimal solution is found along with associated dual variables, or shadow prices.

The Balmorel model can be run in four different modes, which vary with respect to the optimization period and whether endogenous investments are allowed. In all model modes, the complete model horizon (the whole time period that is modelled) can include multiple optimization periods.


The main strengths of the model when contributing to analyses of future energy challenges is that it is flexible both in terms of aggregation of time and space and also in terms of representation of technologies and policy measures.

Here is the model homepage.

Balmorel model has an ISC license under which it is distributed. Code has already the permissive ISC license. A license.txt - file is included in the model files.